Hotel Germenji

Komoditeti juaj eshte dhe rehatia jone

Miresevini ne

Germenji Bar Restorant Hotel Camping

Magji dhe komoditet ne Hotel Germenji!
Eksploro çdo moment te nje qendrimi te mrekullueshem ne kete destinacion unik.
Dhurojini familjes tuaj nje moment te paharrueshem duke e siell ne hotelin tone. Provoni eksperienca te reja nen komoditetin e barit dhe restorantit tone dhe duke shijuar gatimet tona tradicionale.




However the owner is a great person, very friendly and helpful even sending a car to deliver a forgotten t-Shirt to me (Thanks again 🙂 . Owner speaks very well English. It is a simple accomondation so bathroom is shared and small but shower is hot, much appreciated after a long day of cycling. Serving dinner and breakfast.



Our stay here felt like having been dropped in Eden's garden. All the different vegetables and fruit served had grown here and are 100% organic. Above a source, chicken are cackling and the goats' bells ringing under the care of the owner. He welcomes people with the same warmth and kindness- always with a touch of refreshing irony.

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Bar dhe Restorant

Vizitoni Hotel Germenji dhe provoni shijen e produkteve te fresketa te fshatit te rritura dhe kultivuara nga vet ne. Gatimet e pergatitura me kujdesin me te madh dhe te shoqeruara me mikpritjen vendase. 

Ndjehuni si ne shtepine tuaj prane vatres se zjarrit dhe me ngrohtesine e ambientit si te jeni ne familje.